To run text automatically around the picture in an active picture box, choose this. Unavailable because a picture box containing a picture is not active. To run text automatically around the picture in an active picture box, choose this. To flow text around an active item, choose this. To flow text around an active item, choose this. To flow text normally behind an active item, choose this. To flow text normally behind an active item, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the bottom edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their bottom edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the bottom edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their bottom edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the centers of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their centers, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the centers of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their centers, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the top edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their top edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the top edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their top edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or percentage entered in the Space field between active items, or to evenly distribute active items, choose this. To place the amount of space or percentage entered in the Space field between active items, or to evenly distribute active items, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the right edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their right edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the right edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their right edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the centers of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their centers, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the centers of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their centers, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the left edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their left edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between the left edges of active items, or to evenly distribute active items based on their left edges, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between active items, or to evenly distribute active items, choose this. To place the amount of space or the percentage entered in the Space field between active items, or to evenly distribute active items, choose this. To display ruler guides and page guides in front of all items on a page, choose this. To display ruler guides and page guides in front of all items on a page, choose this. To place ruler guides and page guides behind all items on a page, choose this. To place ruler guides and page guides behind all items on a page, choose this. To print all color plates for every page that contains color, choose this option. A black plate prints for each page regardless of whether the page contains black. To print all color plates for every page that contains color, choose this option. A black plate prints for each page regardless of whether the page contains black. To place frames outside text boxes and picture boxes when you create frames, choose this. To place frames outside text boxes and picture boxes when you create frames, choose this. To place frames inside text boxes and picture boxes when you create frames, choose this. To place frames inside text boxes and picture boxes when you create frames, choose this. To specify that QuarkXPress measure leading upward from the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the line above it, choose this. To specify that QuarkXPress measure leading upward from the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the line above it, choose this. To specify that QuarkXPress measure leading downward from the ascent of one line of text to the ascent of the line below it, choose this. To specify that QuarkXPress measure leading downward from the ascent of one line of text to the ascent of the line below it, choose this. To space characters correctly when printing to a PostScript printer, choose this. To space characters correctly when printing to a PostScript printer, choose this. To space characters correctly when printing a document to a dot matrix printer, such as an ImageWriter, choose this. To space characters correctly when printing a document to a dot matrix printer, such as an ImageWriter, choose this. To specify a single continuous horizontal ruler across all pages of a spread when you are working with multipage spreads, choose this. To specify a single continuous horizontal ruler across all pages of a spread when you are working with multipage spreads, choose this. To specify that the increments of the horizontal ruler repeat from zero for each page in a spread when you are working with multipage spreads, choose this. To specify that the increments of the horizontal ruler repeat from zero for each page in a spread when you are working with multipage spreads, choose this. To place new pages at the end of a document to contain text when it overflows the automatic text box or a chain of two or more linked boxes, choose this. To place new pages at the end of a document to contain text when it overflows the automatic text box or a chain of two or more linked boxes, choose this. To place new pages at the end of a section to contain text when it overflows an automatic text box or a chain of two or more linked boxes within the section, choose this. To place new pages at the end of a section to contain text when it overflows an automatic text box or a chain of two or more linked boxes within the section, choose this. To place new pages immediately after the page that contains the last text box in a chain that overflows, choose this. To place new pages immediately after the page that contains the last text box in a chain that overflows, choose this.